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Hidden Worlds By Robbie Shone - OUT OF PRINT

Hidden Worlds By Robbie Shone - OUT OF PRINT   

Price: $0.00 

Currently unavailable.  We are in contact with the publisher regarding a possible reprint, which is not scheduled at this time.



A collection of images showcasing the most exquisite mastery of lowlight photography. For over 20 years Robbie Shone has specialised in photographing caves from all around the world. Robbie has undertaken expeditions to some of the 'longest', 'deepest', 'prettiest' and 'largest' caves ever discovered. In bringing these unique and spectacular images to the surface, we get exclusive access to a hidden world few will ever get to see. 12 by 9 1/2 inches.200pp

An introduction discusses how Shone became involved in cave photography, using film cameras and developing in the dark labs at University. He used to make drawings and sketches of the cave scene before taking his camera into the cave to speed up the process and while trying to recreate the drawing in a photograph. Included are comparison drawings/photographs. Photographs have simple captions with information such as cave name, country and date the photograph was taken.

P.O. Box 10
Schoharie, NY 12157
Phone: 518 295 7978
